Recent Professional Publications / Presentations

  • Strategic planning is essentially a process that enables an organization or unit within an organization to design where it should be going over the next 3 to 5 years, how it is going to get there, and how to know if it, in fact, got where it was supposed to be going. This paper describes how Instructional Technology and Library Media Director George Perreault and the Orange County Public Schools embarked on the development of the ITLM Department’s strategic plan. A guiding premise was that a sound strategic plan is the single most important element in achieving educational excellence.

  • A systems strategy that addresses important but different purposeful activities (planning vs. research) is essential to successful evaluation. This paper describes one such approach and an example of a descriptive systems matrix.

  • This paper, published by the Association for Career and Technical Education, describes the strategic planning strategy used in the Orange County (FL) Public Schools’ Career and Technical Education Department. Over 100 educators, students, and community members were involved and produced a roadmap and timeline to improve offerings, increase student success, increase enrollment, and serve the central Florida community with relevant career and technical programs.

  • This paper offers an overview of Gerald Nadler’s Breakthrough Thinking approach to systems planning and design. The process includes 5 phases that are detailed along with suggestions for application.

Program Evaluation | Grants Development | External Evaluations
Program Planning | Institutional Improvement

William Bozeman and Associates
Phone: 386-690-6665